The Life Insurance Kit: The Truth About Life Insurance

He wrote the book on life insurance.
And he’s sharing it with you.

As Technology advances, financial concerns become global, and lawmakers look toward increased regulation, life insurance grows more complicated every day.

Unrealistic assumptions made by some life insurance companies about the overall performance of their policies add an additional layer of complexity. While today there are more life insurance options than ever to choose from, finding and selecting the right policy has become an ever more difficult task.

In order to make the right decision, you need a well-informed, dedicated financial analyst on your side — someone to advise you, ask the right questions, help you assess your real needs, and sort out the myths from the realities.

For more than four decades, Terry R. O’Neill has helped thousands of companies, professionals, and individuals make the wisest and most beneficial life insurance decisions.

By focusing on the empirical analysis of financial data, he can help you maximize your potential benefits while minimizing your cost. At the same time, his wide-ranging knowledge and experience, and his commitment to providing complete personalized service, will take the stress, confusion, and anxiety out of making these critical financial decisions.

Terry R. O’Neill leads the reader through the maze of numbers, promises and policies to some simple but frequently overlooked truths: You need a well-informed, reliable agent on your side, an insurance company with a solid financial foundation and a policy appropriate to your own unique needs, circumstances and financial goals."

H. Edwin Trusheim
Former Chairman, Federal Reserve Board of St. Louis

The Life Insurance Kit:
The TRUTH About Life Insurance

By Terry R. O’Neill

Chapters 1 - 12 (PDF)
Dearborne Financial Publishing, Inc. granted permission for reproduction.

  • Chapter 1

    The Nine Most Important Facts About Life Insurance

  • Restore complexity. Today we live in a world of intellectual laziness known as postmodernism. There is no easy answer. Einstein once said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”

  • Chapter 2

    Finding A Good Agent

  • Chapter 3

    Making the Most of the Initial Interview

  • Most people don’t object to life insurance. They just object to paying premiums.

  • Chapter 4

    Choosing the RIght Type of Policy

  • Chapter 5

    Selecting the Best Companies

  • Most people are more interested in the accumulation of capital than in the transfer of capital.

  • Chapter 6

    Making Your Decision

  • Chapter 7

    Applying for Coverage

  • Americans are the most undisciplined savers in the world. A fact: Our own government won’t even trust us one year for income taxes.

  • Chapter 8

    Receiving Your Policy

  • Chapter 9

    Examining and Improving Your Life Insurance Coverage

  • We aren’t trained to save…rather we are pre-conditioned to saving in reverse through installment purchase.

  • Chapter 10

    Reducing Your Future Premiums

  • Chapter 11

    Creating and Following Your Personal Financial Plan

  • We are great earners, but lousy accumulators.

  • Chapter 12

    Using Life Insurance for State-of-the-Art Estate Planning

“No writer knows more about the ins and outs or ups and downs of life insurance than Terry R. O’Neill.”

Robert R. Wernecke, CLU
Past President of the National Association of Life Underwriters